ALL Soundtracks | Browse by soundtrack: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 |
Browse by artist: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 |
Card Michael lyrics Stranger On The Shore lyrics Michael Card In the early morning mist They saw a Stranger on the sea shore He some how seemed familiar Asking what the night had brought With taught anticipation then They listen to His order And pulling in the net Found more than they had ever caught The one He loved first recognized The stranger there was Jesus And he alone remembered This had happened once before The one who had denied Him Who had once walked on the water Jumped in and swam to Him To be confronted on the shore Chorus You need to be confronted By the Stranger on the shore You need to have Him search your soul You need to hear the call You need to learn exactly What it means for you to follow You need to realize that He's asking for your all The meal He had prepared for them Was waiting on the fire The smell of bread The sizzle of the fish upon the coals The laughter and the joy That once more being all together They didn't realize that He was searching all their souls Then came the painful questions That would pierce the soul of Simon A three fold chance to reaffirm the love he had denied The gentle eyes that saw his heart And waited for an answer Had seen the look upon his face The moment he had lied Chorus Now realize that you must Face and answer all His questions As you stand before the Stranger On the shore inside your heart Other Card Michael lyrics: Arise My Love lyrics Gods Own Fool lyrics Jacobs Star lyrics The Way Of Wisdom lyrics Then They Will Know lyrics They Called Him Laughter lyrics Carmen Christi lyrics Come To The Table lyrics Cross Of Glory lyrics Crown Him lyrics He Was Heard lyrics In The Garden lyrics Joseph's Song lyrics Known By The Scars lyrics Overture Of The Trilogy lyrics Ride On To Die lyrics Scandalon lyrics The Gentle Healer lyrics The Lamb Is Lion lyrics Traitor's Look lyrics What Will It Take lyrics Jesus Let Us Come To Know You lyrics Joy In The Journey lyrics El Shaddai lyrics Tell The World That Jesus Loves You lyrics The Voice Of The Child lyrics This Must Be The Lamb lyrics Abba Father lyrics Dragonslayer lyrics God Will Provide A Lamb lyrics Livin' We Die lyrics Love Crucified Arose lyrics Now That I've Held Him In My Arms lyrics Could It Be lyrics In Stillness And Simplicity lyrics Know You In The Now lyrics Live This Mystery lyrics Maranatha lyrics That's What Faith Must Be lyrics I Have Decided lyrics Jesus Loves Me (This I Know) lyrics Light Of The World lyrics No Rusty Swords lyrics Face The Light lyrics Fan The Flame lyrics Hound Of Heaven lyrics By Your Name lyrics Don't You Know lyrics |