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Giacomo Puccini lyrics

Sono Andati? Fingevo Di Dormire lyrics

Sono andati? Fingevo di dormire
perché volli con te sola restare.
Ho tante cose che ti voglio dire,
o una sola, ma grande come il mare,
come il mare profonda ed infinita...
Sei il mio amore e tutta la mia vita!
Ah, Mimė, mia bella Mimė!
Son bella ancora?
Bella come un'aurora.
Hai sbagliato il raffronto.
Volevi dir: bella come un tramonto.
"Mi chiamano Mimė,
Mi chiamano Mimė
il perché non so...".
Tornō al nido la rondine e cinguetta.
La mia cuffietta, la mia cuffietta!
Ah! Te lo rammenti quando sono
entrata la prima volta, lā?
Se lo rammento!
Il lume si era spento...
Eri tanto turbata!
Poi smarristi la chiave...
E a cercarla tastoni ti sei messo!...
...e cerca, cerca...
Mio bel signorino,
posso ben dirlo adesso:
lei la trovō assai presto...
Aiutavo il destino...
Era buio; e il mio rossor non si vedeva...
"Che gelida manina...
Se la lasci riscaldar!..."
Era buio, e la man tu mi prendevi...


Are they gone? I was pretending to sleep –
because I wanted to be left alone with you.
I have so many things I want to tell you,
or only one thing, but as huge as the ocean,
deep and infinite as the sea.
You are my love and my whole life!

Oh, Mimė, my beautiful Mimė!

Am I still beautiful?

Lovely as a sunrise -

Your comparison is wrong.
You meant: lovely as a sunset.
"They call me Mimė –
They call me Mimė -
why… I don’t know…"

The swallow’s returned to the nest and sings.
He shows Mimė the bonnet he has kept.
My bonnet, my little bonnet!
Ah! Do you remember when
I came here for the first time?

Do I remember!

The candle had gone out…

You were so upset!
Then you lost the key…

And you began groping around to find it!

And I searched and searched…

My handsome young sir,
I can tell you now,
you found it quite soon…

I was helping fate…

It was dark, and my blushing couldn’t be seen-
What a frozen little hand…
let me warm it for you…"
It was dark, and you held my hand –
She has a sudden, violent coughing spell and sinks back, exhausted.

Other Giacomo Puccini lyrics:

Che Gelida Manina lyrics
Che Ha Detto Il Medico? lyrics
Marcello. Finalmente! lyrics
Mi Chiamano Mimė lyrics
Mimė č Tanto Malata! lyrics
Mimė Č Una Civetta lyrics
O Soave Fanciulla lyrics
Quando Me N Vō lyrics

Giacomo Puccini lyrics Sono Andati? Fingevo Di Dormire lyrics
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