GutterMouth lyrics
Can't We All Just Get Along? lyrics (At the Dinner Table)
Welcome everybody to my table
Don't be shy, man, grab a seat
C'mon, it's time to eat, dig in
Frejoles de T.J., sushi from Japan
Weenies from America
Don't forget canned ham
Monkey brains from India
???? from France
Pizzas from Chicago
Korea, dog, many cat
All we want is, all we need is
All we want is, all we need is
All we want is one more beer
To teach the world
To sing in harmony
Eating can resolve
This racial tension
Get yourself a side of beef
Electric knife, and 50' of cord
Flies from Ethiopia
Sangria de Espana
Crumpets from England
Sand from Iran
Bratwurst von Deutchland
Meatballs from Sweden
Mongolian BBQ
Bacon from Canada, eh...
The next time you're about to shout a racial slur, stop, and think about
all the wonderful dishes that come from his or her country, and channel
your energies into enjoying your next international delight!
Other GutterMouth lyrics:
No More lyrics Jack La Lanne lyrics Old Glory lyrics I'm Punk lyrics Mr. Barbeque lyrics Carp lyrics Toilet lyrics Hypocrite lyrics Under My Skin lyrics Gas Out lyrics Ghost lyrics End on 9 lyrics Bullshit lyrics Chaps My Hide lyrics Your Late lyrics P.C. lyrics Use you mind lyrics Trinket trading, tick tooting, toothless, tired, tramps... or the 7 T's lyrics Generous portions lyrics A Day at the office lyrics Teri Yakimoto lyrics Whiskey lyrics Lock Down lyrics Gods Kingdom lyrics Marks Ark lyrics Room for Improvement lyrics Casserole of life lyrics Thought provoking sonic device lyrics I saw the light lyrics Give me a gun lyrics Food for thought lyrics Up your bum lyrics Under the sea lyrics Gar-bage (gar'bij), a perfect example of uninteresting poetry lyrics What's The Big Deal? lyrics Do The Hustle lyrics Good Friday lyrics Baker's Dozen lyrics Abort Mission lyrics Lipstick lyrics Sucking Dick For Beer lyrics What If? lyrics Gold lyrics Lucky The Donkey lyrics Big Pink Dress lyrics When Hell Freezes Over lyrics Perfect World lyrics Musical Monkey lyrics American Made lyrics Born In The USA lyrics Chicken Box lyrics Derek lyrics Disneyland lyrics Jamie's Petting Zoo lyrics Just A Fuck lyrics Marco-Polo lyrics Oats lyrics Pot lyrics Race Track lyrics Steak (The Underwater Version) lyrics Veggicide lyrics Where Was I? lyrics 1, 2, 3...SLAM! lyrics Asshole lyrics Bruce Lee VS. The Kiss Army lyrics No Such Thing lyrics What's Gone Wrong lyrics Hit Machine lyrics Encyclopedia Brown lyrics Viva America lyrics A Nice Place To Visit lyrics Food Storage lyrics I Have A Dream lyrics High Balls lyrics Power Up lyrics Con Especial lyrics