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Lunar Aurora lyrics

Into The Secrets Of The Moon lyrics

Blaze of the moon like black and endless flames
falling onto hungry eyes from the mountains high
within a circle of cryptic stones
into the shades of thoughts
into unknown depths
through the lunar gates
by the rituals of forgotten arts
drowning into moonspells
feel the magic - endlessly
rise the dream desires
feel the secrets - countless
frozen into untouched realms
Lifted from the shell of flesh
through the soulside chanel
into the inside
into the outside
Sailing in a ship of an eternal dream
across the sea of blackened tears
feeded by a thousand rivers
floating from the realms of sadness
sailing through the mists of melancholy
surrounded by nocturnal whisperings
towards the nightly shores
towards the mysteries buried in the dark
longing for ancient lores
the worlds of mortality forever left behind
upon the silver beams
the wings of timeless dreams
melting into the moon and its dark secrets
engulfed by its light of purest mystery

Other Lunar Aurora lyrics:

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Lunar Aurora lyrics Into The Secrets Of The Moon lyrics
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