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Man On the Moon soundtrack lyrics

Bob James---Angela lyrics


TONY: I got 20 bucks that you work for me now!
I would like to use a phone!

MAN: Not on the lot, sir.

TONY: How about a bathroom? I may have @$% in my pants!
Drink of water?

MAN: No.

TONY: Aspirin?

MAN: No.

TONY: Moist towelette?

MAN: No.

TONY: In that case, it has been a honor,
and a good daaaayyy!!!

Other Man On the Moon soundtrack lyrics:

Andy Kaufman---One More Song For You lyrics
R.E.M.---Milk Cookies lyrics
Tony Clifton---I Will Survive lyrics
R.E.M.---Andy Gets Fired lyrics
Andy Kaufman---Rose Marie lyrics
R.E.M.---Lynne Andy lyrics
R.E.M., Andy, Tony---This Friendly World lyrics
R.E.M.---Man On The Moon lyrics
Exile---Kiss You All Over lyrics
R.E.M.---The Great Beyond lyrics
The Sandpipers--- Mighty Mouse Theme lyrics

Man On the Moon soundtrack lyrics Bob James---Angela lyrics
All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
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