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Of Thee I Sing Soundtrack lyrics FINALE, ACT I lyrics ENTRANCE OF SUPREME COURT JUDGES And A KISS FOR CINDERELLA And I WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BLOSSOM And SOME GIRLS CAN BAKE A PIE (REPRISE) And OF THEE I SING REPRISE) And ZWEI HERTZEN ENTRANCE OF SUPREME COURT JUDGES [TRUMPET CALL. BOYS AND GIRLS IN MILITARY UNIFORMS MARCH ON. DRILL. ANOTHER FANFARE. JUDGES ENTER] JUDGES: We're the one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Supreme Court Judges. As the super Solomons of this great nation We will supervise today's inauguration, And we'll sup'rintend the wedding celebration In a manner official and judicial. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Supreme Court Judges! We have powers that are positively regal; Only we can take a law and make it legal. ALL: They're (We're) the A.K.s who give the O.K.s! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine Supreme Court Judges! [ANOTHER FANFARE] Hail! Hail! The ruler of our gov'ment! Hail! Hail! The man who taught what love meant! Clear, clear the way For his inaugural and wedding day! Hail! Hail! The mighty ruler of love! Hail! Hail! The man who made us love love! Hip! Hip! Hooray! For his inaugural and wedding day! [BAND MARCHES ON, FOLLOWED BY WINTERGREEN AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS] CHIEF JUSTICE: [SPOKEN] And, now, Mr. President, is you don't mind we'd like your inaugural address. WINTERGREEN: [SINGS] I have definite ideas about Philippines* And the herring situation up in Bismarck; I have notions on the salaries of movie queens And the men who sign their signatures with "this" mark! [*THIS AND THE NEXT THREE LINES WERE REWRITTEN FOR THE 1952 REVIVAL] WINTERGREEN: [SINGS] I have definite ideas about the deficit; I have plans about our tonnage on the ocean. But before I grow statistical, I'll preface it With a statement growing out of pure emotion. ENSEMBLE: He has definite ideas about the deficit; He has plans about our tonnage on the ocean. But before he grows statistical, he'll preface it With a statement growing out of pure emotion. [MAKES CROSS] ALL: He has definite ideas about Philippines* And the herring situation up in Bismarck; I have notions on the salaries of movie queens And the men who sign their signatures with "this" mark! [MAKES CROSS] A KISS FOR CINDERELLA WINTERGREEN: But on this glorious day I find I'm sentimentally inclined. And so- I sing this to the girls I used to know: Here's a kiss for Cinderella And a parting kiss for May; Toodle-oo, good-bye, this is my wedding day. Here's a parting smile for Della And the lady known as Lou; Toodle-oo, good-bye, with bach'lor days I'm through! Tho' I really never knew them, It's a rule I must obey; So I'm saying good-bye to them In the customary way. My regards to Arabella And to Emmaline and Kay! Toodle-oo, dear girls, good-bye! This is my wedding day. [WINTERGREEN REPEATS FIRST SIX LINES OF ABOVE; ALL OTHERS SING AGAINST THIS:] ALL OTHERS: He is toodle-ooing all his lady loves. All the girls he didn't know so well, All the innocent and all the shady loves, Oh, ding-a-dong-a-dell! Bride and groom, their future should be glorious- What a happy story they will tell; Let the welkin now become uproarious, Oh, ding-a-dong-a-dell! [ENTER MARY, ESCORTED BY FULTON] ALL: Clear the way! Hail the bride! Sweet and gay- Here comes the bride! MARY: Is it true or I dreaming? Do I go to Heav'n to stay? Never was a girl so happy on her wedding day! CHIEF JUSTICE: [SPOKEN] Do you, John P. Wintergreen, solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution of the United states of America and to love, honor, and cherish this woman so long as you two shall live? WINTERGREEN: I do. CHIEF JUSTICE: Do you, Mary Turner, promise to love, honor, and cherish this man so long as you two shall live? MARY: I do. CHIEF JUSTICE: Therefore, by virtue of the power that is vested in me as Chief Justice, I hereby pronounce you President of the United States, man and wife. WINTERGREEN: Mary! MARY: John! [THEY EMBRACE] BOTH: [SING] Is it true or I dreaming? Have I come to Heav'n to stay? Never was a girl (man) so happy on her (his) wedding day! [DISCORD IN ORCHESTRA. DIANA APPEARS] DIANA: Stop! Halt! Pause! Wait! ALL: Who is this intruder? There's no one could be ruder! [TO DIANA] What's your silly notion In causing this commotion? I WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BLOSSOM DIANA: I was the most beautiful blossom In all the Southland; I was sent up North to enter the contest With the understanding that the winner Was to be the President's wife. The Committee examined me. My lily-white body fascinated them. I was chosen. It was the happiest moment of my life. ENSEMBLE: Yes, yes, go on! Yes, yes, go on! DIANA: Suddenly the sky fell. Suddenly, for no reason at all, No reason at all, This man rejected me. All my castles came tumbling down. And so I am serving him with a summons* For breach of promise! [*THIS AND THE NEXT LINE WERE REVISED FOR THE 1952 REVIVAL: He may be the President - But he'll suffer For having tricked me.] ENSEMBLE: What! What! The water's getting hot! She said he made a promise, A promise he forgot. DIANA: It's true! It's true! JUDGES: The day he's getting married. You put him on the spot! It's dirty work of Russia,* A communistic plot! [*1952 VERSION: She says that only she was His true forget-me-not!] WINTERGREEN: Please understand, It wasn't that I would jilt or spurn 'er; It's just that there was someone else. ENSEMBLE: Whom? WINTERGREEN: "Who!" Mary Turner! CHIEF JUSTICE: We're having fits! ENSEMBLE: We're having fits! CHIEF JUSTICE: The man admits... ENSEMBLE: The man admits... CHIEF JUSTICE: This little sinner... ENSEMBLE: This little sinner... CHIEF JUSTICE: Was really winner! ENSEMBLE: Was really winner! DIANA: I couldn't see... ENSEMBLE: She couldn't see... DIANA: His jilting me. ENSEMBLE: His jilting she. DIANA: And so I'm doing... ENSEMBLE: And so I'm doing... DIANA: A bit of suing. ENSEMBLE: A bit of suing. MEN: And if it's true she has a claim, You should be called a dirty name! GIRLS: And if it's true she has a claim, Then you're a dirty, dirty name! MARY: John, no matter what they do to hurt you, The one you love won't desert you. DIANA: I'm a queen who has lost her king! Why should she wear a wedding ring? SOME GIRLS CAN BAKE A PIE (REPRISE) WINTERGREEN: Some girls can bake a pie Made up of prunes and quinces; Some make an oyster fry - Others are good at blintzes. Some lovely girls have done Wonders with turkey stuffin's, But I have found the one Who can really make corn muffins! ENSEMBLE: Yes, he has found the one Who can really make corn muffins! DIANA: Who cares about corn muffins? All I demand is justice! WINTERGREEN: Which is more important? Corn muffins or justice? ENSEMBLE: Which is more important? Corn muffins or justice? JUDGES: If you will wait a minute, You'll have our decision. [JUDGES GO INTO HUDDLE] The decision of the Supreme Court is- Corn muffins! ENSEMBLE: Great! Great! It's written on the slate!* There's none but Mary Turner Could ever be his mate! [*ALTERNATE VERSION: It really must be fate!] DIANA: It's not I, not Mary Turner, Who should have been his mate. I'm off to tell my story In ev'ry single state. ENSEMBLE: Be off with you, young woman, He's married to his mate. There's none but Mary Turner Could ever be his mate! [REPEAT THESE LINES] DIANA: [SPOKEN] See you in court, y'all. OF THEE I SING (REPRISE) WINTERGREEN: Of thee I sing, baby- ENSEMBLE: Summer, autumn, winter, spring, baby. Shining star and inspiration, Worthy of a mighty nation- Of thee I sing! ZWEI HERTZEN [THIS SECTION COMMENCED TOWARD THE END OF THE "BEAUTIFUL BLOSSOM" SECTION, AFTER THE LINE "YOU'RE A DIRTY, DIRTY NAME"] MARY: John, the names they call you Mean nothing- To me, it's love that is "the" thing! WINTERGREEN: [TO MELODY OF "SOME GIRLS CAN BAKE A PIE"] Call me whate'er you will- Jack only did his duty When he perceived his Jil1 In this American Beauty. Call me a gigolo! Say I disgrace the Union! But those who love must know- We're "zwei Hertzen" in communion. [MARY AND WINTERGREEN REPEAT THIS AS THE CHORUS COUNTERS:] GIRLS: And if it's true she has a claim, You should be called a dirty name! MEN: Yes, if it's true she has a claim, You should be called a dirty name! MARY: John, no matter what they do to hurt you, The one you love won't desert you. DIANA: Listen, you, 'tis of thee I sing! [TO CROWD] Why should she wear the wedding ring? [SCENE RESUMES AS ABOVE WITH "SOME GIRLS CAN BAKE..."] ACT II HELLO, GOOD MORNING [SECRETARIES ENTER, WHISTLING] BOYS: Hello, good morning! GIRLS: Good morning, hello! BOYS: How are you this very lovely day? GIRLS: I feel very well, sir. BOYS: And I'm feeling swell. BOTH: It's great to be alive And work from nine to five. [ENTER TWO CHIEF SECRETARIES - JENKINS AND MISS BENSON] JENKINS AND BENSON: Hello, good morning! GIRLS: AND BOYS: Good morning, hello! Isn't this a moment that's divine? JENKINS AND BENSON: I see it's almost nine. ALL: And we only have one minute more to say: Hello, good morning! Isn't this a lovely day? Isn't this a lovely day? Oh, it's great to be a secret'ry In the White House, D.C. You get inside information on Algeria; You know ev'ry move they're making in Liberia. You learn what's what and what is not In the Land of the Free. Ev'ry corner that you turn you meet a notable With a statement that is eminently quotable. Oh, it's great to be a secret'ry In the White House, D.C. [JENKINS AND BENSON DANCE. AT CONCLUSION, ALL EXIT, ARM IN ARM, SINGING:] So long, good morning! Wasn't this a lovely day? Wasn't this a lovely day? Other Of Thee I Sing Soundtrack lyrics: WINTERGREEN FOR PRESIDENT lyrics WHO IS THE LUCKY GIRL TO BE? lyrics THE DIMPLE ON MY KNEE lyrics BECAUSE, BECAUSE lyrics EXIT, ATLANTIC CITY SCENE lyrics AS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE lyrics LOVE IS SWEEPING THE COUNTRY lyrics OF THEE I SING lyrics WHO CARES? lyrics THE SENATORIAL ROLL CALL lyrics IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDING lyrics THE ILLEGITIMATE DAUGHTER lyrics JILTED lyrics I'M ABOUT TO BE A MOTHER lyrics POSTERITY IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER lyrics TRUMPETER, BLOW YOUR GOLDEN HORN lyrics ON THAT MATTER, NO ONE BUDGES lyrics |