ALL Soundtracks | Browse by soundtrack: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 |
Browse by artist: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 |
S.O.D lyrics Speak English Or Die! lyrics You come into this country You can't get real jobs Boats and boats and boats of you Go home, you fuckin' slobs Selling hot dogs on the corner Selling papers in the street Pushing, pulling, digging, sweating Where you come from must be beat CHORUS: You always make us wait You're the one's we hate You can't communicate Speak English or die You don't know, what I want You don't know, what I need Why must I repeat myself Can't you fuckin' read? Nice fuckin' accents Why can't you speak like me What's that dot on your head Do you use it to see ??CHORUS - MOSH PART - CHORUS Other S.O.D lyrics: Sergeant ,,D'' & The S.O.D. lyrics Kill Yourself lyrics Milano Mosh lyrics United Forces lyrics Chromatic Death lyrics Pi Alpha Nu lyrics Antiprocrastination Song lyrics What's That Noise ? lyrics Freddy Krueger lyrics Milk lyrics Bigger Than The Devil lyrics The Crackhead Song lyrics Kill The Assholes lyrics Monkeys Rule lyrics Skool Bus lyrics King At The King \ Evil Is In lyrics Black War lyrics Charlie Don't Cheat lyrics The Song That Won't Go Fast lyrics Shenanigans lyrics Xerox lyrics Make Room, Make Room lyrics Free Dirty Needles lyrics Noise That's What lyrics |