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Blood Brothers Soundtrack lyrics
Marilyn Monroe (3) lyrics Mrs Johnstone the jury found him guilty sent him down for seven years though he acted like they gave him life, he couldn't stop the tears. and when we went to visit him he didn't want to know, it seems like jails sent him off the rails. just like marilyn monroe his mind's gone dancing can't stop dancing they showed him to a doctor and after routine test a prescription note the doctor wrote for the chronically depressed. and now the tears have stopped he sits and counts the days to go and treats his ills with daily pills just like marilyn monroe they stop his mind from dancing stop it dancing Linda what are y' doin'? Mickey what? i'm takin' me tablet. Linda listen, Mickey i've told y' they're just junk. you'll be home soon, Mickey, and you should come off them. Mickey why? I need... I need to take these. Linda listen, Mickey, you've... Mickey no! see, he says, the doctor, he said. Linda what did he say? Mickey he said, about me nerves an' how I get depressed an' I need to take these cos they make me better... Linda i get depressed but I don't take those. you don't need those, Mickey Mickey leave me alone, will y'? I can't cope with this. i'm not well. the doctor said, didn't he, i'm not well... I can't do things. just leave me alone Linda. mrs johnstone with grace for good behaviour he got out before his time the family and the neighbours told him he was lookin' fine. but he's feelin' fifteen years older and his speech is rather slow and his neighbours said you'd think he was dead like marilyn monroe no cause for dancing no more dancing... Mickey where's me tablets gone, Linda? Linda Mickey you promised. Mickey i know I promised but I can't do without them. Linda look. we've... we've managed to sort ourselves this far but what's the use if Mickey have we sorted ourselves out? do you think i'm really stupid? Linda what? Mickey you sorted it out. you an' councillor eddie lyons. now give me tablets...i need them. Linda an' what about what I need? I need you. i love you. Other Blood Brothers Soundtrack lyrics: Tell Me It's Not True lyrics The Council Chamber lyrics Light Romance Madman lyrics The Robbery lyrics Take A Letter Miss Jones lyrics One Day In October lyrics I'm Not Saying A Word lyrics Summer Sequence lyrics That Guy lyrics Secrets lyrics Bright New Day lyrics Long Sunday Afternoon My Friend lyrics Gypsies In The Wood lyrics Kids Game lyrics July 18th lyrics Shoes Upon The Table lyrics Easy Terms lyrics My Child lyrics Overture lyrics |