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Browse by artist: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 |
Karate Kid Soundtrack lyrics
Moment of Truth lyrics Whenyou'realoneyouaskyourself Whatareyousearchingfor Deepinthenightadreamisborn Onethatyoucan'tignore Ifyouthinkyoucanfindthepassion Andyou'rereadytotakeachance Ifyoureallybelieveyoucanmakeit Thenthepowerisinyourownhands It'sthe moment of truth You'regivingitall Standingalone,willingtofall Ifyoucandoit Getupandproveit Getupandshowthemwhoyouare It'sthem moment of truth It'sallontheline Thisistheplace Thisisthetime Waitedforever,it'snoworit'snever Nothingcanstopyounow Onceinyourlifeyoumakeachoice Readytoriskitall Deepinyoursoulyouhearavoice Answeringtothecall Thoughyouknowthatitwon'tbeeasy It'sapromiseyoumakeforlove Forthepeoplethatkeepbelieving Andtheonethatyou'rethinking of It'sthe moment of truth You'regivingitall Standingalone,willingtofall Ifyoucandoit Getupandproveit Getupandshowthemwhoyouare It'sthem moment of truth It'sallontheline Thisistheplace Thisisthetime Waitedforever,it'snoworit'snever Nothingcanstopyounow Other Karate Kid Soundtrack lyrics: Young Hearts lyrics You're the Best lyrics |