The Aquabats lyrics
Aquabat March lyrics There's so much to be happy about
In this life what a wonderful chance
We have to work hard, play hard
And maybe even find yourself a girl
And make some romance
So don't you think It'd be so lame
To get all crazy drunk
And start a fight?
We'd much rather dance with some girls
So if you want to fight
Get the heck outta here you stupid fool!
Please don't kill us
We're just the Aquabats
We're just trying to have
A little fun
Ha ha ha ha
So if you want to fight
We can duke it out
Just please don't kill us
With your gun We're all just peaceful little Aquabats
We would never take a life
We don't want to fight
But if we must,
Please be cool,
No guns or knives.
Other The Aquabats lyrics:
Playdough lyrics Ska Robot Army lyrics Pinch And Roll lyrics Tarantula lyrics Marshmellow Man lyrics Cd Repo Man lyrics It's Crazy Man! lyrics The Cat With Two Heads lyrics The Story Of Nothing lyrics Captain Hampton And The Midget Pirates lyrics Martian Girl lyrics Attacked By Snakes lyrics Idiot Box lyrics My Skateboard lyrics Lobster Bucket lyrics Theme Song lyrics Sequence Erase lyrics Giant Robot Bird Head lyrics Anti-Matter lyrics Lotto Fever lyrics Lovers Of Loving Love lyrics Chemical Bomb lyrics The Man With The Glooey Hands lyrics Monsters Wedding lyrics The Ballad Of Mr Bonkers lyrics Canis Lupis lyrics Tiny Pants lyrics The Thing In The Bass Amp lyrics Amino Man lyrics Hello, Goodnight! lyrics Hey Luno! lyrics Pool Party lyrics